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Debunking/Rating Conspiracy Theories


From the downright crazy to the ones that make us pause for a second, conspiracy theories intrigue the public to no end. So today, let us delve into some of the most outlandish theories on the internet…

The Denver Airport is a Secret HQ for the Illuminati: 

Now I’ve personally never been to Denver so unfortunately this cutting edge journalism doesn’t quite have the backing of a full investigation behind it. Nonetheless, some believe that this airport is the headquarters for the Illuminati or a massive underground bunker as a precaution for world leaders in the event of an apocalypse. This airport has some unique architectural features and artwork which apparently further enforces the belief that this seemingly inconspicuous airport is 

actually hiding some additional features.

Result: 5/10, unsure if they’d place a bunker in Denver. Will be flying there if there’s an apocalypse though.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a Gateway to Hell:

The entire physics department shakes their heads in dismay when they hear this conspiracy theory. When the LHC was first turned on, conspiracy theorists latched on, with it being labelled as an entrance to a black hole or a portal to another dimension, possibly hell. The LHC was opened in 2008 and, so far, no demonic incursions have occurred so I suppose we’re safe for now…

Result: 3/10, any volunteers to enter and find out?

The Great Fire of London was Caused by a Rat Spontaneously Combusting:


Result: 0/10, no explanation required.

The Avril Lavigne Clone Theory:

This theory originated in 2011 on a Brazilian blog when someone alleged that Avril Lavigne died in 2003 and was replaced by a body double named Melissa. This theory gained mass attention on Twitter several years later and led to the singer herself addressing the rumour and stating that she is still very much alive. This conspiracy even earned its own BBC podcast called ‘Who Replaced Avril Lavigne?’. Unfortunately this conspiracy theory was debunked when the original author of the blog clarified that this was all an attempt to demonstrate how easily people would fall for conspiracy theories.

Result: Debunked.

Disney Created Frozen to Hide Search Results:

When the movie Frozen hit the box office it was an immediate smash hit, but some of the more cynical consumers out there began to form the theory that this was actually a clever attempt to flood search engines with the words ‘Disney Frozen’. Supposedly this was to hide the information about Walt Disney’s cryogenically preserved body and thus bury the evidence of their superior technology. Unfortunately, this one seems a little far-fetched; Disney is the ultimate capitalist machine and if they had the technology they’d certainly want to profit off of it. 

Result: Debunked, but open to debate.

The CIA Uses Animals as Spies:

At the height of the Cold War plenty of unconventional methods were employed in order to spy on the Soviets (and vice versa) which led to speculation that the CIA were using animals to listen in on secret conversations . This may seem crazy but it actually turned out to be true! In the 1960’s project ‘Acoustic Kitty’ was launched where a cat was fitted with a listening device and sent to spy on a pair of men outside the Soviet embassy. Ultimately the project was deemed unsuccessful as the cats were unable to be trained effectively. So don’t worry - your house cat is certainly not a secret agent.

Result: True.

Human Existence is Reality TV for Aliens:

Frankly this is one of the ones that you look at and just go what? While I suppose this could be true, if there were aliens out there watching us for entertainment surely they’d grow tired of our repetitive lives and turn the TV off. That being said, if any aliens out there want to change my plot line to one where I become a millionaire I wouldn’t be opposed…

Result: 6/10, 10/10 for any watching aliens.


While this was perhaps not even 10 percent of the conspiracy theories I read about (many hours were spent trolling through Wikipedia), these are certainly some of the most amusing.


The Unpublished Team

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