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How is COVID-19 affecting the lives of teenagers?


Updated: Oct 14, 2020

With a global pandemic on our hands (literally...) it is clearly a scary time. We've been told that young people are less likely to get the Coronavirus, or will suffer less severe symptoms if we do, but is fear for our physical health the only thing we are worrying about? Unpublished heard from Dolphins of all ages, in order to find out what students at our school think about Coronavirus, stockpiling toilet roll, and how it feels when you (and the adults who keep you safe) have no idea what's coming next.

*If COVID-19 is making you anxious then please speak to a teacher or parent who can reassure you!*

What scares students of Godolphin the most about COVID-19?

The safety of others (36%) is what seems to be the scariest thing for Godolphin girls, "it's made me more worried for my elderly relatives who are more at risk than me", with uncertainty about our academic lives following closely (32%)

Daily routines have been disrupted (and a lot of hand-sanitiser used)...

"I am being driven to and from school now whereas before I was getting the tube"

"My year 7 hand sanitiser obsession has been restarted"

"Hand sanitisers [are] being whipped out at every minute of the day"

"[I am] avoiding crowded places and a more anxiety inducing commute"

Those with impending exams are concerned about the possibility of school closing...

"as I have A Levels in 2 months I need all the time and help I can get in lessons. If the school were to close, this would not only affect my revision but also my coursework as much of mine has to be done at school [...] If the school were to close during our exam time, that would have a massive effect on my exams."

"Would be good [for the school to temporarily close] to prevent spread of Corona however annoying for those of us in exam years"

"nooo! GCSEs are way too soon to have to deal with losing the revision with the teachers"

"Hoping school will find a new way to help with our learning if we can't be in school"

COVID-19 could be... a nice break?

"more sleep for me"

"I'd give up anything to rest"

"Hope [the school closing] happens! But not for too long because I don't want my academics to be sacrificed"

Uncertainty is a major factor

"caused some uncertainty which is a bit worrying"

"I think that behind the scenes the school have a basic plan in place but it is not particularly transparent which creates more panic amongst students and teachers"

"the uncertainty of it all is starting to scare others which is hard to deal with"

"panicked treatment of [Coronavirus] i.e. stockpiling, is an overreaction and is causing more harm than good"

"Scary that the government could try and manipulate the normal distribution curve in order to deal with a lesser influx of cases"

And some people just don't care...

20% were 'bored of everyone talking about it'

20% were 'not bothered' about COVID-19

"People are talking about it a lot but also not taking it that seriously"

"It's. The. Flu"

Overall, it seems that - understandably - there is quite a lot of fear surrounding this virus and how it will affect our lives. But, we all know it's important to stay calm and informed - and know that the school are thinking carefully about the right course of action, keeping all of our best interests in mind. Also, remember that we're in a really fortunate position and lots of people (such as those who are homeless, those in places without access to health care or good hygiene, or the elderly who may already be self isolating) are in need of help right now - be kind and give in whatever ways you can!

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