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What can you actually do to help reduce climate change?


From burning wildfires across Europe to brutal hurricanes and flash-flooding, this Summer has definitely stood out in climate history. More importantly it is simply another reminder of how rapidly our planet is changing and our climate is deteriorating. I am not the only one who feels a wave of dread every time another headline about the climate crisis flashes on my phone. As young people, it is easy to feel like helping to solve these problems is an overwhelming task. But, if we do not do anything now, the planet will continue to warm up and uncontrollable natural disasters will become more destructive and more frequent everywhere. So, here is somewhere to start...

  1. Change what you do and do not eat:

  • For all the carnivorous readers out there, being told to “eat less meat” may seem annoying and tiring. But unfortunately, the meat and dairy industry account for around 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions, strongly contributing to global warming.

  • Therefore, the only way forward is to cut meat consumption. If this seems like a terribly difficult task, try opting for a pescatarian diet first before shifting to a fully vegetarian diet. Alternatively, trying reducing your meat-eating patterns. Eg. If you usually eat meat 3-4 times a week, aim to bring it down to twice a week and possibly try to eliminate red meat altogether.

  • Try to encourage the rest of your family to do the same, making a challenge out of it.

  • TIP: For some vegan/vegetarian inspo check out my vegan food account on instagram: “@ayasveganmunch2” (excuse the self-promo xx)

2. Cut Car Use

  • Car emissions are the greatest contributors to air pollution, which have strong negative consequences on the environment. The toxic gases released from cars also pollute the soil and water and deplete the ozone layer- causing the Earth to heat up warmer and faster.

  • In London, where weather is not always optimum, walking everywhere all the time can be challenging. (Although do try!). However, using our great transport system instead is an excellent alternative to Uber-ing.

  • If you are a regular Uber-taker, try to reduce your ride-count, as uber journeys emit 70% more greenhouse gas emissions than journeys otherwise taken by public transport, cycling or walking.

3. Stop fast fashion

  • The fashion industry consumes an unsustainably large amount of clean water- a finite resource on Earth, which 750 million people already do not have access to. According to the Guardian: “85 % of the daily water needs of the entire population of India would be covered by the water used to grow cotton in the country.”

  • By actively trying to shop more sustainably, you can help decrease your carbon footprint and save water. Aim to choose sustainable brands, recycle clothing more by donating old clothes and shopping second hand. Crucially, try to buy less clothes, better quality clothing and wear them for longer to avoid ‘fast fashion.’

  • It is estimated that 400% carbon emissions are produced if we wear an article of clothing 5 times vs 50 times.

  • TIP: try renting a fancy dress/outfit from ‘HURR’. Designer and non-designer pieces that you can rent for one off occasions at cheap prices. (Instead of spending money on an expensive dress that you might only wear once a year).

What else can you do?

  • Save water by taking a nice bath vs a long shower.

  • Always try and turn the lights off when you are not using them.

  • Reusable water bottle!

  • Try and limit how much heating you use in the house by wearing an extra jumper (heating contributes the most CO2 emissions in a household.)

  • Try to reduce food waste.

  • If you have the time and energy, cook instead of Deliveroo.

  • Remember to not leave the tap running when brushing your teeth to avoid water wastage.

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